Sunday, 22 September 2013

Jan Corduwener And His Ballroom-Orchestra ‎– Dancing Time No. 6

Thanks again to Al Gates of Perth, West Australia for this mini gem!

A 10" album from the early 1960s, it does not specify a date, it is a pleasant listen and another nice reminder of a different era!

I hope you enjoy it and please comment, with your name, if you do!

Album Preview - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom




  2. This LP would have been recorded/released in 1955/1956.

    My guess is based on (a) the tunes - dance bands usually played the popular favourites of the day; and (b) shortly after 1955 10" LPs began to disappear - by the early 1960s they were relics of the past.

  3. Der bajazzo,

    Thanks for your information. I do not have any of these early Lps and do not know very much about them. I guessed early 1960s but am surprised to learn it was earlier!

    Thanks again,


  4. I have Dancing Time, I think it´s the first in the series because do not have number, and the catalog number is P 10002 and the above album is P 10084. I agree that this may be from the early fifties. Jan was a dutch musician. Thanks!

  5. Thanks Mark and everyone for nice comments.
    Here is another of the same. Found them in while in Jakarta on holiday.( beautiful city! )

    Thanks again
    Al Gates
    West Australia

  6. Adoro, o som das grandes orquestras dos anos 50, 60 e 70, como Paul Mauriat e Franck Pourcel e, o seu blog, traz exatamente, as orquestras deste período. Parabéns, Mark, pela sua dedicação. Eu sou um pesquisador e colecionador de artigos referentes à cultura. Tenho milhares de discos, além de várias revistas, jornais, etc... Peço que visite o meu blog "Arquivo Pop Musical" ( e até breve!!!

  7. Agradecido pelos presentes aqui ofertado.

  8. Tash Kreditanstalt25 December 2016 at 05:08

    I have "Dancing Time" (#1)which, I learned from another site was released in 1953. They go up to at least "Dancing Time #8".

  9. Muchas gracias amigo, bella música, saludos.
